I just decided to have a look at the blog and see the last time I posted . . . July . . . really? I have been busy. I just finished teaching the class from hell . . . adults who act more like 14-year-olds. It was frustrating and draining. At the same time, I couldn't helping liking most of them. Still, I am happy to be done with that.
I am even happier to be moving to my new job. This job has been great. It was just what I needed at the time I needed it. I loved much about it; I hated a few things about it. I learned a great deal about myself and how to practice self control. I also learned that I am pretty good at starting over.
And here I find myself starting over again. It's something I'm excited about, but it does make me a little sad. I've made friends; I've learned new skills. In the end, however, it's just time to move on. I hope I never again outstay my welcome. I hope I never again stay when the party's over. May I always from this point forward heed the last call, toss back my drink, and head for the door.