Thursday, July 29, 2010


I got to be a bride today . . . twice. . . I get to do it again tomorrow. It's really sort of fun! It's a project where students design wedding cakes. They have to come to me and ask me questions about my wedding. I then tell them all about my wedding, my likes and dislikes, and then they have to go and try to please me. The best part is that they can't please me . . . at least not at first. I have to continue to be difficult at least a time or two. It's so fun!

I've been so busy this month that I haven't had time to write. I'm just cranking out stuff and playing and having a good time. Okay, I've also managed to read a little - just finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I didn't really expect to like it all that much, but I loved it! It was pretty fantastic.

I'll write more soon . . . seriously.

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