Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's Raining!

Whoever talked about those April showers had it all wrong. It seems as if it's nothing but June showers. Rain, rain, rain. That's all it seems to do these days. It's funny how I almost like it in the summer while I hate it like mad in the winter.

I sure could use a vacation - and I don't mean one of those head out of town for the weekend gigs. I'm talking 2 or 3 weeks off! Okay, just one week to do nothing would be heavenly!

Well, I have nothing particularly funny or interesting to share so I'll bid adieu.

1 comment:

  1. I know! What is up with this crazy rain. The worst part about the rain is that Tulsa's street at horrible for drainage. Seems like I took a river to work today!
