Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Baby, It's Really, Really, Really Cold Outside

It's colder than cold. The only reason I'm not really whining as much as I'd like is the sun is high. It's actually a beautiful day. It's just COLD. And it's not getting any warmer any time soon.

So, I'd said I'd write more. While, granted I have written more than last year, I still haven't written much. I've been journaling a little more, but I'm not writing as much as I think I want to. I say "think I want to" because I'd be writing more if I really wanted to, wouldn't I? Would I just whine that I want to write and not write if I really wanted to write. Or wouldn't I just write?

Here's my example. I took a great trip in December. I took some notes. Had a blast. Intended to write a big year end letter. I haven't written a sentence. I haven't even thought about it. I'm just really not on the ball any more.

Why is that? Is it because I'm older than dirt now? Is it because I just don't care any more? Is it because I've been beaten down by life? While all those are true on different days, I think the real answer is that I'm lazy.

Yep. I am one lazy girl. I just can't seem to get moving for any reason. I like to lie about an do as little as possible. Unfortunately, I haven't found anyone to pay me for that skill just yet. Hmmm.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Beginnings

I emailed an old friend yesterday because she'd been on my mind for a couple of days. While I didn't stop and take the time to call, I just couldn't stop thinking about her. Turns out that yesterday was her first day as a divorced woman. A new beginning to begin the new year.

I decided to begin a new year myself. This morning I wiped out all painful numbers from my past. For some reason, I'd held on to all these contacts in my phone that I no longer used or needed. I'd kept them there to remind me of what I'd lost, and nearly every time I saw one of them, I'd get angry or I'd feel hurt. I decided today to let that go. I decided that it's time for a new beginning.

Funny thing is that I feel lighter now. I'm not carrying that old baggage with me. I've let go of the reminder to feel pain. It's a great feeling to begin to move on. I guess a new year is the best time for that.

My other new beginning is getting into some sort of shape. I had a very unpleasant surprise when I stepped on the scales yesterday morning. I have to get serious about some weight loss. I've moved into the overweight category that I'd danced on the line of for so long. I'd noticed that my pants were a little tighter, but I'd managed to delude myself. Yesterday, however, I couldn't pretend any longer. So . . . . that meant walking this morning and exercising last night. It also means no more candy - at least for awhile and very limited alcohol. I can tell already that I am not going to like this very much, but if I get results, then I guess that's what matters.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

Give me a break . . . I'm only 4 days late with the greeting. How did a new year arrive? Didn't 2010 just begin? I can't believe that 2011 is here, but I'm so glad it is. I'm ready for something bright, shiny, and new.

For the past 2 - actually 3 - years, it's been struggle after struggle for me. I am really hopeful that the days of struggling are a bit behind me for awhile. I know better that to think I'm behind my dark nights of the soul, but I'd like a few bright nights for awhile. How about for a year or so? Please?