Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Again

Ugh. It's Monday. Groan. At least it's in the 40s today - a heatwave for sure.

This weekend I was worthless. I watched bad movies and read trashy books. Fun, sure, but now I am paying for it - or to be more accurate, everyone around me is paying. I'm foul as foul can be. I knew that I needed to walk or run or do yoga or really do just about anything other than sit on my behind. Did I? Of course not. Oh, no, I was too lazy to do anything constructive.

Back to my mood. I'm so foul today that Girlfriend is calling me by my evil twin's name. Yes, the Evil Twin has taken over. Nothing makes me happy - not even temperature about freezing and sunshine. Oh, no.

A co-worker brought a terrific lunch for a group of us including stuffed roast and pasta with vodka sauce. It was wonderful, but did it make me happy? Not really. Seriously, I am so foul that I'm not sure winning the lottery could make me happy.

I'll be exercising tonight. . .

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