Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Solstice!

It's the darkest day of the year. In the north, we'll see fewer hours of sun today than another day this year. It's a great day to light some candles and reflect on the past year and you face the coming year.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cold & Bright

It's one cold day! At least the sun is shining. A shining sun pretty much always does it for me. I have friends who enjoy gray days, but I'll never be one of those people. I love the sun.

I wish I had a very clever story to share or something remotely interesting, but I really don't. I think think of a thing to write about. Perhaps that means I shouldn't write today, but then again, I am trying to get on track with writing. I want to do it every day. (Don't snicker.) I want to do it; I just don't usually sit down and do it. Perhaps, I'll turn a new leaf in 2011. There's always hope.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Day

It's been 30 years since John Lennon was murdered outside his home in NYC. Thirty years. Time flies. It can't have been that long. Ironically, I remember the day Elvis died with more clarity, but then Elvis was more important to me and my family. Elvis was almost one of the family. He seemed like a far distant cousin that I knew about but didn't know. Lennon was different.

What strikes me today is not only how long he's been dead, but also how long he lived. He was 40 years old when he died. Most of us at 40 still expect to have quite a bit of life ahead of us. At 40, most of us think that we've lots of years left, but Lennon didn't. In fact, just days before he died he made comment of how we idolize the dead, and we do. It's always been interesting to me how the dead become saints or heroes when as living humans, we could barely stand them. It's funny how we remember people and things. An author once said something like, "There's the truth, and then there's the truth we remember."

Yesterday also marked the 69th anniversary of the bombing at Pearl Harbor. I dare say most if not all of the 2000+ casualties thought they had plenty of time to do the things they wanted to do, but time runs out for us all - just as it did for Elizabeth Edwards this week. I loved her last post to Facebook. While we all realize that our days are numbered, most of us don't live as if we realize that. As I begin to think of all those resolutions I'll be making in a few weeks - many of which I'll never keep - I'm also going to be thinking about those things I want to accomplish. I think high on my list will be choosing my attitude. Lately, I have been finding myself feeling sorry for myself when the real people is that I'm too busy thinking about what I don't have to appreciate the many things that I do have.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy December!

So much for more blogging. I just can't seem to manage. I suspect that it has something to do with being content. When I'm happy, I don't journal as much. I don't blog. I also forget to pray and meditate. When I sad, however, I tend to become more reflective and go back to those things that help me along. I'm not saying I'm sad at the moment, but I've noticed this tendency lately and want to work to correct it. I want to write at other times as well. Here goes.

I'd like to talk about a grand adventure or something new and exciting, but nothing much comes to mind. That's sort of funny since I have a new job and just got back from a family reunion. This reunion was pretty great. I loved seeing family I hadn't seen in a long time. It was a wonderful time.

The job is good, too. I like where I work and most of the people I work with. I'm still struggling with my past, but I know it will all work out. Instead my current goal is to find a way to live in the moment. I want to stop thinking about the past or living for the future. I want to enjoy where I am right now. In this moment.

Friday, October 15, 2010

I Am Obviously Not a Good Blogger

I just decided to have a look at the blog and see the last time I posted . . . July . . . really? I have been busy. I just finished teaching the class from hell . . . adults who act more like 14-year-olds. It was frustrating and draining. At the same time, I couldn't helping liking most of them. Still, I am happy to be done with that.

I am even happier to be moving to my new job. This job has been great. It was just what I needed at the time I needed it. I loved much about it; I hated a few things about it. I learned a great deal about myself and how to practice self control. I also learned that I am pretty good at starting over.

And here I find myself starting over again. It's something I'm excited about, but it does make me a little sad. I've made friends; I've learned new skills. In the end, however, it's just time to move on. I hope I never again outstay my welcome. I hope I never again stay when the party's over. May I always from this point forward heed the last call, toss back my drink, and head for the door.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I got to be a bride today . . . twice. . . I get to do it again tomorrow. It's really sort of fun! It's a project where students design wedding cakes. They have to come to me and ask me questions about my wedding. I then tell them all about my wedding, my likes and dislikes, and then they have to go and try to please me. The best part is that they can't please me . . . at least not at first. I have to continue to be difficult at least a time or two. It's so fun!

I've been so busy this month that I haven't had time to write. I'm just cranking out stuff and playing and having a good time. Okay, I've also managed to read a little - just finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I didn't really expect to like it all that much, but I loved it! It was pretty fantastic.

I'll write more soon . . . seriously.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Is it Friday yet?

No? It's only Wednesday? Really? There's still 2 more days? Yep, I'm ready for the weekend - and this week was only 4 days long!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Looking for the Fun

I've been trying to think of something clever to post, but I've come to realize that's not happening. I used to say that I could turn a trip to the grocery store into a funny story, but more and more these days that doesn't seem to be the way of things. I'm sure the same funny stuff still happens, but I don't guess I notice it so much any more.

Really, I can't think of the last really funny thing that happened other than Winnie & the pillow . . but that's really too long a tale. . . and not all that funny to those who weren't there. Believe me, I've told the story several times, and I tend to get blank looks because without having seen the action, it's just not that funny.

The good news is that I'm off to the family homestead for the holiday weekend. Hopefully, my visit there will enlist a few funny stories. Last summer, my step-mother was all up in arms over having her peas in blue bags. Here's hoping there's more fun on the farm.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's Raining!

Whoever talked about those April showers had it all wrong. It seems as if it's nothing but June showers. Rain, rain, rain. That's all it seems to do these days. It's funny how I almost like it in the summer while I hate it like mad in the winter.

I sure could use a vacation - and I don't mean one of those head out of town for the weekend gigs. I'm talking 2 or 3 weeks off! Okay, just one week to do nothing would be heavenly!

Well, I have nothing particularly funny or interesting to share so I'll bid adieu.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Lately, I've been thinking a great deal about forgiveness. What does it mean to forgive? We are told from the time we are children that we should forgive and forget, but does that seem wise? Is it wise to forget the hurts of the past, or it is better to learn from them?

I have to admit that my natural inclination isn't toward forgiveness unless you count the type of forgiveness Denzel Washington sports in Man on Fire: “Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange the meeting.” Of course, that doesn't seem like a wise policy.

This weekend I was at a mini-conference, and the speaker said that forgiveness is "letting go of the hope of a better past." I like that a great deal. I think sometimes holding on to the past causes us more pain than just letting go and moving on. After all, the past is past. There's nothing that can be done to change it. Of course, I have known a few people to re-write it, but I guess that's another story . . .

I also returned to Louise Hay this weekend. She reminded me to send love to those that have cause hurt. She reminded me to awake looking forward to the day. She reminded me that so much of what we think becomes the reality in which we live.

On Saturday, our speaker reminded us that to try leaves the opportunity to fail. Instead, he said that we should do. It's a good reminder because I think we often think about changing, but I think we rarely do the work that is required to change. Instead we say, "I'll try." The time for trying is done. I'm just doing.

As for forgiveness, I think I'm going to continue exploring the idea. I like the idea that "forgiveness is letting go of the past." I think I can manage that. As for sending love to those that "done me wrong," I think I have a long way yet to go . . .

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's a Good Day!

Okay, so my idea of posting more often is to wait approximately 3 weeks and then throw something out there.

Today marks the one year anniversary since the day I was given the choice of resigning or being fired. There are still days that I can't believe it, but there are more days when I am happy to be gone. I didn't realize the toll it takes to work with unhappy, toxic people day in and day out. When you get a steady dose of arsenic, it's hard to remember what it feels like to be drug free.

I actually have real fun now - and every conversation doesn't center around that place I used to work. I was out with friends who work there on Saturday, and - with the exception of one person - it was the sole topic of conversation. It's as if that's all there is to their lives. That place. It made me sad - and it also drove home to me how far I've come. There was a time when the topic was endlessly fascinating to me. Now, I'm done with work talk within 30 minutes - and it's a rare day that I want to talk about it that long.

Don't get me wrong. I love my job. I just have learned how to leave it at work. I no longer feel the need to relive the day every time I go home. Instead, I'm learning how to live in the now and how to appreciate the things I have.

Back to what I've been doing. Saturday I had a spa day. It was fun, but it would have been more fun without the 6 hours of work talk. The weekend before I went to a Renaissance Fair. It was too much! I enjoyed the crowds. They were something to see. My favorite part was when my 4-year-old friend got to catch a hawk on her arm. She was so excited!

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Not 22 Anymore

I'll confess. I'm not 22 any more, but for the past week or so, I've acted like it. I've gone to two major concerts within the space of a week, gone out country dancing, stayed up most of the night talking to old college buddies. It's been great. I love being 22!

I also had a great time at a benefit wine tasting. What could be better than raising money for a good cause and drinking wine. YUM!

This week, I'm taking it easy - a couple of night of yoga, a little after work happy hour, a benefit walk, and a birthday celebration for a 4-year-old.

And I'll try to remember to blog more, but then again I might be too busy partying . .

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's Spring, Baby!

And how did we celebrate? With lots of snow, of course. How else do you celebrate spring?

So, this past weekend, M & I made an appearance in a party in K-ville. Let's just leave it at we were so entertaining (and not really because we meant to be) that we now have an open invitation to all parties there. Hmmm.

It's raining today, but that's to be expected with spring. As you can tell if you have read any other posts, I've had a hard winter, but things are better. For one, I've forced myself to exercise like crazy. I've walked, I've zumbaed, I've yogaed. I'm exahusted, but then I'm feeling pretty good.

I talked to the doctor the other day about my love of tanning. She told me that Americans are freakily scared of the sun mostly because of the media. She actually encouraged me to tan for no more than 4 minutes 1 or 2 times a week. She also told me that I needed to get some sun without sunscreen. She said that we are wrecking our bones trying to keep the sun away from us; however, most people are so frightened by the media that they worry more about the risk of sun cancer than anything else. Hmmm.

Parties again this weekend. I hope I get standing invitations. I know I'm rambling, but that's just what I do. Anyway, I do need to head off to work.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Between the Ides and St Pat's

It's the 16th of March? How did that happen? I've actually thought of posting several times, but this is the first time I have gotten around to doing anything. Truthfully, I'm back in a funk so it's not as if I have had anything worth saying to say.

For example, the other day M remarked that you only get a finite amount of springs. So true. I suppose that should make me feel more grateful for the time I have, but it's hard to feel grateful sometimes - especially when you have a hard time thinking of something to be grateful for. Yes, I am sure there's something, but today it's hard.

Here's a true story from my life: today I saw someone I have known for 16+ years who didn't recognize me. She works for someone who used to work for me. Wow, how quickly they forget. It made me a little sad. And that's what I'll focus on for the rest of the day. I'll either cry or want to cry all day. I won't be grateful for the nice new computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse that I got at work today. I won't be happy that my boss invited me to represent the organization at a fundraising dinner this weekend. I won't feel good about the many comments I received about how good I look today. Nope, I'm going to be all upset because some crazy woman didn't recognize me. (I'm not even going to look on the bright side of "maybe I just look that much better.") Nope, I'll wallow in this all day, I'm sure.

Why am I like that? Why can't I be happy with the few (and granted they are very few) good things that happen to me? I don't know. I wish I did - and I wish I knew how to be happy (or at least content) with what I have. I wish I knew how to be grateful. I wish I knew how to enjoy life.

Oh, well, as I think about the fact that I have only so many springs, maybe I'll enjoy this one a little more.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's March!

Wow! How did March get here so fast? Very soon, 1/4 of 2010 will be done. Have I done all those things I'd intended? Nope. I don't know that I have done any of them. I guess I need to get busy.

I have actually thought of posting several times recently, but I just haven't had anything particularly inspiring - or even all that interesting - to post. Things are good. The sun is out. The weather's warm. The tanning booth is still heaven.

Yesterday I bought some skinny jeans so shopping is even good. There's nothing to complain about. On the other hand, there's nothing to be really, really excited about.

Given the year I just lived through, I'm okay with that.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Maybe I Don't Hate Everything

I managed to make it to the tanning booth. I like that term better because I really prefer the stand up, which is more of a booth than a bed. It is like four minutes in heaven. I can't tell you how it improved my mood! It turned a nothing day around.

Dinner group was great. I loved meeting new people and hanging out with old friends. I'm glad to be involved. We just had the best time. I love it.

Yesterday one of the students brought me some lotion because he said that the lotion I had (a gift) smelled like ass - charming. Anyway, he brought me some mandarin lime energy lotion from Bath and Body. I little dab under the nostrils has awakened me - and given me a bit of energy. I'm loving it!

Did I mention my employer is treating us to our choice of body wraps, massages, or facials today? I'm getting a hot stone massage. I can't wait. Only 4 more hours! HAPPY!

I need to get busy ready the news and surfing the net.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Hate Everything

Do you know that George Strait song, "I Hate Everything"? That's how I feel today. I'm pissed off at the world, and I hate everything.

I know why. I have not had time to tan in 3 days. I must find time to tan today or it's gonna get UGLY. Okay, it's already UGLY, it's just going to get uglier.

I'm really trying not to hurt or maim someone, but I still have several hours to get through before I can leave.

Of course, I'm not sure my dinner companions tonight will enjoy me. I have a dinner party to attend. It's a dinner club, and the theme is Italian tonight. It's my job to bring an appetizer, and because I have such a great imagination, I'm bringing bruschetta. How creative is that?

Last night I attended a great party. We ate, drank wine, and played with shoes, jewelry and handbags. I managed to snag a great pair of black high heeled sandels -- HOT -- and a new handbag in a lovely lime green. (I was assured that this is the color for the spring.)

Speaking of spring, I CAN'T WAIT. When will it get here? VERY, VERY SOON, I hope. I am tireder of winter this year than I can remember being. Someone asked me recently if this winter were colder than other winters. I can't remember. I try very hard to forget winter. That usually works for me.

That's all for now. I'm going to try to think happy thoughts and make it through the next few hours.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Something Like the Sun

I'm now addicted to tanning. I swear. It's my new favorite thing. I literally count the minutes until I can tan again. I love it, love it, love it. Now, I don't actually get tan. I don't have enough of the Spanish & French blood to tan the way I'd like, but I do manage not to burn, unlike my mother would have done.

Yes, it seems my dad's great-great-great-great grandfather, Juan, came from Toledo in central Spain in the 1790s. He landed in New Orleans, and changed his name to John. Who knows why since the French owned Louisiana then. The Americans wouldn't get it for about 20 more years, so you'd think he'd have gone with Jean. Anyway, he married a French woman. And it's to Juan & his bride that I owe what little tanning ability I have.

M, the one with Mexican & Indian blood and the ability to get very tan, says that I least I bronze. And for that I am grateful - even as I am jealous of his tanning ability. It's true. It could be worse. I could be like my northern European mother and just burn.

I don't really visit the tanning bed for the tanning - I say that because tanning is really next to impossible for me, and saying this makes it seem like I don't care that bronzing is the best I can do. I visit because it's as close as I can get to the sun these days. It's warm and bright. I close my eyes and remember what it feels like to be at the beach. I can almost hear the waves pounding the shore. I love the warmth. I almost weep when my 4 minutes are up.

Soon, I hope, the sun will return and with it warm weather. I can't wait to get outdoors again. I love the heat. Until then I'll have to make do with trips to the tanning bed and the memory of what summer feels like.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My New Favorite Quote

I do love a good quote. I have thousands that I really, really like, but my new favorite is from Marilyn Monroe. Yep, she had several good ones including:

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

My new favorite, however, is below. I just love it because it's how I feel these days.

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they are right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."--Marilyn Monroe

Monday, February 8, 2010

Two Things

Last night I got one of those emails asking for "two things." One of the questions was "What were two things you did last night?" I answered this question with "drank champagne" and "wore a tiara." That got me to wondering just how many people could answer the question that way. Now, I knew of at least five others who could, but I'm thinking that there probably aren't many more than that.

What a weekend! On Friday night I went to dinner with L. At the restaurant, the waiter told me that L looked like a young Keanu Reeves. L doesn't, but he was okay with that as long as the adjective "young" was attached. I can relate. These days I love any reference to "young" that includes me. Sadly, the word "young" is rarely attached to anything about me. At least I don't get "old" very often . . . yet.

We did enjoy the waiter's reaction because he kept coming by to look - and sent most of the staff over. It was too crazy. There was a Mexican band that L wanted to play "Tainted Love." While they didn't actually play "Tainted Love," they did play a song that sounded a little like it, so we just sang the lyrics to "Tainted Love." Well, actually L sang the lyrics. I couldn't remember them.

Then on Sat., I started the day by going to Super Target for groceries. I managed to buy only groceries. I also managed to spend $167 buying just groceries. I can't seem to help myself. I lose my mind in a grocery store. After the grocery-buying extravaganza, I headed to yoga where we did tree pose again - and the teacher took time out to assure me that I didn't have to do it if I didn't want to. I guess she didn't want to incite another crying jag.

After yoga, M picked me up, and we went to lunch followed by a bit of shopping. She took me to one of her favorite places - this former monastery that used to be out on the country. It's a lovely place that I would like to visit in warmer weather. We had a nice time just hanging out. We intended to write and meditate, but we mostly just talked. It was a nice change of pace.

Sat. night I attended a gala - that's where I wore the tiara and drank champagne. A group of us bought a table and had a girls' night. It was lots of fun.

Then came the Super Bowl. Having grown up in the era of the Aints, I have to say that it was pretty sweet watching them win - and win by playing the better game. Sure, there were a couple of trick plays, but they didn't need the officials to help them. They won by playing the better game.

What a weekend! I need some time to recover. Too bad, it's back to work and back to snowing. Have I mentioned just how tired I am of snow? In case I didn't, I'll mention it again. I hate the snow. I want the spring!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Another Crazy Day

Today was CRAZY. It was just one thing after another. Okay, so maybe I asked for it by drinking 3 glasses of red wine last night, but I've had a headache most of the day. I had to cover substitute teach this morning - that was a riot given what I was subbing for and my lack of background in the field. The really sad thing is that the students asked me to teach them again because they think I'm a better teacher.

This afternoon has been one crazy thing after another. I'm so ready to go home and start the weekend. Tonight I'm off to dinner with a friend. Tomorrow it's lunch with another friend. Then off to a gala tomorrow night. Finally, it's Super Bowl time on Sunday. It's going to be a wild weekend.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another Day in Paradise

It's another day in paradise if your idea of paradise is gray and rainy. It's not really raining - just an annoying mist. It's cold - a typical winter day. Did I mention that spring can't come too soon?

Last night I set up a Facebook account for my mother's cousin. She wanted one, but she didn't want to have to go to the trouble of doing it herself. That was interesting. Luckily, I selected a photo that met her approval. I hope she enjoys her FB time.

This week I had a couple of readings done - one was a past life reading in which I discovered that I have had a past life where I was very happy. Hmmm. Another was strange but interesting. I'm still trying to figure it out. Oh, well, it was something different, and did I mention it was free?

I've been trying to get finances in order. That's a challenge. I did manage to get the taxes filed and a couple of IRAs consolidated. Doesn't that sound impressive?

I'm rambling now so I'll stop.

Monday, February 1, 2010


I hate passwords. I have a few that I recycle, but every once in awhile, I try to make up something new. The problem is I can never remember my brilliant idea. Of course, I don't write it down. Why would I do that - writing it down means that I have to keep up with it. And anyone could find what I wrote. What happens? I have to have it set and reset - then reset again.

This very thing happened to me yesterday when I was trying to do my taxes. First, I had to remember which of my five email addresses I used to set up my account. (Yes, I have five. No, I do not know why. Actually, I do, but the story is boring so I won't bother to repeat it.) I finally managed that, but I couldn't remember if I used my email as my user name or if I made up a user name. After finally figuring that out, I had to come up with the password from a year ago. Of course, I could not. Of course, I reset it. Of course, I have no idea now what I reset it to. Thank goodness, I can at least remember my name and SSN.

Today I tried to remember the clever password I used to set up my account with my investment firm. About 20 tries later, I still have no idea. I think that's going to have to be reset, too.

This is what I get for trying to be careful and clever. I just lock myself out!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowed In

I had a very good day being snowed in. I loved eating and drinking while watching movies all day. I do love a day spent on the couch - and a get so few of them.

This morning I made snow ice cream for breakfast. I do love any kind of ice cream for breakfast. That's actually my favorite time of day to eat ice cream. I don't know why, but I do know I love it.

M had never heard of snow ice cream. Now it didn't snow all that often in my hometown, but when it did, Mama made snow ice cream. It was divine. And the best part is that it was just as good today as it was then. Just gather up about a gallon of clean snow. Mix it with a cup of milk, a cup of sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla. This morning I decided to make it richer so I used a 1/2 cup cream and a 1/2 milk - I guess that's homemade half and half. It was a big bowl of delight.

Then I decided that I needed to get a bag of Heath bits out of my pantry so I made peanut butter cookie with Heath bar bits. They were so good. While I did enjoy quite a few, M ate nearly all of them. He does love a peanut butter cookie, you know.

After that, I decided to have orange lunch so I made sweet potato casserole and fried salmon patties. Weird, but YUM!

Did I mention the pitcher of Bloody Marys? Another big yum - and was most likely a contributing factor to the idea of an orange lunch.

We watched Jackie Brown and Aliens - two of M's favorites. I enjoy them as well. He slept through my pick: Serenity. I'm not surprised as I didn't think he'd like it, but I can't complain because I nearly always fall asleep in a movie. I just have the hardest time staying awake. Any time I get comfortable, I seem to fall asleep.

Now I think I'll climb in bed and read a trashy novel. Life doesn't get much better.

Monday, January 25, 2010

You Get What You Need

I've been engrossed in quite the pity party. I actually cried this weekend because I'll never make it to the last 5 states that I need to visit to hit all 50. Then I cried in yoga because I couldn't hold the tree pose. To make matters worse, the new girls in class could hold the pose. I felt as if my inability to hold tree was a reflection of each and every one of my personal failures. I decided while lying in savasana that I would just go home and spend the afternoon crying. Yes, that's how crazy I have been.

Upon leaving yoga, I needed to get some cash to repay a debt. Instead of going to the bank's drive through, I decided to go to the ATM in the grocery. There I ran into a former student who had just gotten a job there. She told me her sob story - how she is a recovering addict who is trying to remain clean and sober. She keeps being tested by ending up in situations where everyone around her is either drunk or high. In addition, she's lost her car. Truly, she's in a bad place, but she was happy because she had a new job.

It was then that I realize that I was just indulging myself. It was time to get moving and put the past behind me. Of course, I'll probably have more spells like this one, but it was a good reminder that there's always someone facing a trial more difficult. While many have easier lives, many also have more difficult ones. And I really have very little to complain about.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Witching Hour

It's 3:25 a.m., and I can't sleep. I have at least one sleepless night per year - and I hate it. How do people live with insomnia, I ask.

While lying (I have so much trouble with that verb!) in bed, I tried to think of a funny - or at least pithy - post. I haven't posted so much lately because I just don't have anything funny to report. I can usually make something more humorous than it actually was in happening with the retelling, but these days I just don't have any source material. I can't decide if that's because there's nothing funny going on or if I am suffering from SAD or if I am just depressed. I suppose any and all could be true.

I have even talked to my dad and stepmother this week. Neither provided any material - and that's unusual. Dad did mention that the Council, which celebrates every holiday, skipped MLK Day and served breakfast and lunch. That was big and important news to him, but that was about all he had.

I've thought about writing a past funny story, but nothing springs to mind. I've thought about compiling some of my past writings, but, again, I got nothing. So, my friends, until inspiration strikes the pickings may be slim!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy MLK

Many years ago, DJ dubbed this day "Martin Luther the King" Day. Many I know call it "Robert E Lee's Birthday." Whatever you call it, I usually call it a day off. Not this year. For the first time in my life, I have to work on the third Monday in January. I never realized just how much federal holidays meant to me until I didn't get them any more.

Back on Veterans' Day, I sure did miss my day off. I know I'll be missing it again on Presidents' Day. How spoiled am I that I miss having extra days off work. Have I ever celebrated even one of these days? Nope. I just enjoyed the luxury of not going to work.

Sadly, that's not my life any more. I no longer get paid time off work. I'm here 40 hours a week pretty much every week of the year. Paid vacation is a thing of the past - and along with it my fun travels. Is it difficult? Oh, yes. I loved traveling. I loved time off. Vacations were the best. But, now I have work.

Granted it's not much like work, but I have to be present to be paid, and I need to be paid, so here I am feeling sorry for myself that I am trapped at work on a day when most Americans are out enjoying the day. I'm grateful to have a job for sure, but I sure would like some time off.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mikey's Margs

The most lethal thing on the planet is not a nuclear weapon. Nope, it's Mikey's margs. I swear he puts something in them besides tequila, triple sec, and lime juice. I don't know what it is, but nothing else has the power to knock me out like these margaritas. They kick some serious butt.

I realized just a few minutes go that I haven't posted in a bit, but then I don't have much excitement going at the moment. No one has called me a murderer in a grocery store in months. Miss V and I haven't walked in ages - much less trespassed. It's a slow winter.

Oh, well, I guess it could be worse - oh, wait - it has been worse! These days I work for sane people and actually have the chance to help people. How great is that? After working for someone who should be committed to an insane asylum, this is definitely a good thing.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

When a Door Opens

Last night I heard my favorite crazy story of the week. A couple of my acquaintances own a couple of towns homes that they lease. Now, they've done lots of work on these homes and lease them at a premium, so they generally get a higher class of tenant.

The other day one of the owners, let's call him Jim, was checking property and noticed that the tenant's car was gone, but his door was open. Of course, Jim was concerned so he called the renter, we'll call him Jack, to let him know that someone had broken into his home.

Imagine Jim's surprise to learn that Jack was not alarmed. It seems that Jack had lost his key "the other night" when he was out with the boys and needed to get into his house. Did he think of calling his landlord for another key? Nope. How about calling a locksmith? Nope. Our buddy, Jack, kicked in the door, destroying not only the door, but also the frame and the doorknob!

Now, surprisingly, I actually know others who have kicked in doors of their own homes to either get in a room or in the house, but I've never known anyone who left the door unrepaired for a long period of time. As it turns out "the other night" was actually about 3 weeks prior. Jack had been living with a broken door in hopes that someone would enter and steal his TV. It seems that Jack longed for a new TV and was just hoping that someone would take the one in the house so he could make a claim on his insurance.

While I love this story for so many reasons, my favorite part is when Jack called the landlords to complain because a mouse entered the house via the broken door. I guess he didn't realize that rodents can use the same entry points as humans!

And, yes, Jack paid for the damages.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Again

Ugh. It's Monday. Groan. At least it's in the 40s today - a heatwave for sure.

This weekend I was worthless. I watched bad movies and read trashy books. Fun, sure, but now I am paying for it - or to be more accurate, everyone around me is paying. I'm foul as foul can be. I knew that I needed to walk or run or do yoga or really do just about anything other than sit on my behind. Did I? Of course not. Oh, no, I was too lazy to do anything constructive.

Back to my mood. I'm so foul today that Girlfriend is calling me by my evil twin's name. Yes, the Evil Twin has taken over. Nothing makes me happy - not even temperature about freezing and sunshine. Oh, no.

A co-worker brought a terrific lunch for a group of us including stuffed roast and pasta with vodka sauce. It was wonderful, but did it make me happy? Not really. Seriously, I am so foul that I'm not sure winning the lottery could make me happy.

I'll be exercising tonight. . .

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bad Movies

There's nothing like a good bad movie. Yes, a movie can be so bad that it's actually good. This weekend was so cold that staying inside and watching movies seemed like a really good idea. Yesterday we saw Malice. Nicole Kidman, Alec Baldwin, and Bill Pullman. While you don't need anything more, I do think having Anne Bancroft chew the scenery probably put this one over the top. My favorite quote comes from her, "When you drink like this, you don't remember names." Too true.

How could any thing top Malice I wondered. Today I found out. We actually watched Mega Shark v. Giant Octopus. Seriously, that's the name of a Debbie, excuse me, Deborah Gibson - Lorenzo Lamas movie. Google the trailer if you don't believe it. It was fantastic in its badness. Wow!

We also watched a Garth Brooks DVD, a Bonnie Raitt concert, Wanda Sykes stand up, some Sex in the City, and probably more that I have already forgotten. After all when you drink like I do, you can't remember all the things you watch.

Friday, January 8, 2010

A Perfect Mind

So when did I become a math genius? And how sad is it that I am the math expert? Really? Oh, so I managed to make mostly As in math, but I made lots of Bs, too. I'm no math expert anywhere in the world - except here.

Here I appear to be a math genius. Here it seems as if it is unheard of to solve for x, to know when to multiply or divide, how to add or subtract fractions, or even how to multiply or divide. All I know is that I like being the math genius that I always dreamed of being.

Yep, how crazy is that. I always wanted to be a math genius. Now I am. Who says dreams don't come true?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Buttocks as a Weapon of Destruction

This is my favorite headline of the week - "Midwest City man uses buttocks to smash ex's TV." HOW GREAT IS THAT? You can't make stuff like this up. I love it so much!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

When Crazy Texts

So yesterday I got a text that read, "Happy New Year! Sure do miss your crazy ass!" How sweet was that? Seems Mr. T. was bored at work and wanted a texting buddy. While he didn't have any news to offer, he was entertaining for a bit.

We discussed former co-workers and their proclivities including one who loves to visit Long John Silver's and then toss her fish & chips. Why do people do that? I can't imagine how that seems like a good idea. Of course, I do plenty of things that seem like a good idea that usually don't turn out to be.

I'm still fighting my cold. Hopefully, I am kicking it. So far, I'm not any worse. I don't think I'm much better, but I'm not any worse. That's good news for sure.

Now that I have descended into talking about my health, only the weather can be next. Dang, it's cold. While I don't enjoy cold weather, I don't mind so much when I can see the sun, but that does not seem like an option for the foreseeable future. Oh, well!

That's all for now. Perhaps I'll have good crazy story before long.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thought for the Day

It's closing in on noon, and I still haven't had a clever thought so I'll just post anyway. I'm fighting a cold for all that I'm worth. Even though M denies it, I think I got it from him. I just refuse to give into the desire to crawl in bed and pull the covers over my head. Wait! Is that the cold talking - or the cold?! It's 22F (-6C), and getting colder.

Gray winter days always remind me of the quote by Camus, "In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." I just love that idea - and always find it interesting that someone who wrote what Camus wrote had such a wonderful quote.

So today, when you are freezing, pull out those photos of your summer vacations over the years - particularly the ones you took while in a warm, sunny place. Remember how good it felt. Enjoy!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

And apparently getting colder. They (that would be the bozos on TV) say that this is going to be the coldest winter on record - or at least since 2000. As long as I have electricity and gas, I'm okay with that.

To fight the doldrums, I plant paperwhites. I like to plant them at the beginning of January and watch them grow. Usually about the time they are done, it's almost time for the daffodils, my favorites! I love daffodils because they mean that winter's gone, and spring is here. I don't think it's possible to be unhappy when there are daffodils around. They are so cheery. They always make me smile.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


So how are you doing on your resolutions? So far so good on mine. I actually went to the gym and worked out for an hour - thanks to TC! So my resolution isn't really "to get in shape" or "to lose weight." Yep, I want both of those things, but I realize that I need to exercise at least 3 times a week to feel good. After a couple of weeks lately of no exercise, I was in a pretty bad mood. Sadly, I have come to realize that exercising does actually cheer me up. Nope, I still hate it, but I can't deny it makes me feel better.

I'm also fighting a cold. There's no use denying that either. M has been sick most of the week, and I fear I might be coming down with the same thing. At the same time, I deny it. I will not get sick. I will not get sick. I will not get sick.

I just finished another J. R. Ward Brotherhood novel. Those are some good trashy books. I have to give a shout to Girlfriend for recommending them to me. I do enjoy a good trashy vampire read. I think I have one or two left to read. I am going to be sad when I am done.

I managed to miss all the new movies - at least so far. I did "see" Sherlock Holmes, and by that I mean I slept through most of it. Unlike M who said, "GUY RICHIE? I hate Guy Richie. I'm going to sleep," I actually did try to stay awake, but it was no use. The movie was too boring for me. I should have known because Sherlock Holmes always bores me, but I'd hope the remake would be fun. In my opinion, it was not.

That's about all I have for today.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Thank all that's holy that 2009 is behind us. Maybe it's all in the attitude, but 2009 sucked. I can't say it any plainer. Oh sure, I could come up with something positive if pressed, but for the most part, I've never been happier to see a year say good-bye.

My ringing in the new year was pretty quiet. I fell asleep before 11, but that might be because M decided to make rum & cokes with Bacardi 151. Wow, I was lit by 7, but it was nice. We watched "Sex & the City" for several hours then gave on staying awake. Before we fell asleep, however, we smudged the house by the light of the full (BLUE) moon. M kept saying our house smelled like an illegal substance, but the smudge stick was purchased at Whole Foods - I SWEAR!

The first day of the new year was uneventful. I cooked a ham and made black-eyed peas. We lazed around and watched LSU play a terrible game and eventually lose to Penn State. I think the game actually lasted 8 hours - it sure seemed like it. I took a long nap during it and still seemed to have seen the whole thing. After that we watched a couple of bad Jennifer Aniston movies (is there a good Jennifer Aniston movie?) and a couple of Die Hard movies before passing out. (By passing out, I mean M is actually ill and took some cold medicine. I just drank some whiskey.)

Today hasn't been much more productive, but I did get up at a reasonable hour - 8 a.m., and I actually went to yoga. Then I went to lunch with TC and did a bit of shopping. I bought a BEAUTIFUL coat, cream & gold, for $60. It had been $188 so I got quite a deal! We ate at Olive Garden because I won a gift certificate there, and it was a nice lunch. I also had a gift certificate for Williams Sonoma so we did a bit of shopping there.

Now I'm back home and back on the sofa. We're watching the Cotton Bowl. I should be yelling for OSU mainly because I hate Ol' Miss with the passion of a thousand burning suns, but one of my "friends" who loves OSU made fun of LSU's loss so I find myself hoping the Rebels will teach the Cowboys a lesson. Yes, I hate myself for this, but I just can't help it!

I'm good with 2010 - so far.